Wow-wee, it’s been a hot minute! The holidays were long and full of ups and downs, from friends visiting to getting sick twice in a row. In comic news, I have a new graphics tablet, one of the ones that lets me draw directly on the screen, and it’s already made a huge difference in my workflow! It’s been a long while, but it’s really good to be back, I gotta say. Also, I’m looking forward to wrapping up this chapter of McCall on Call and moving on to something beyond the first day on campus. Soon!

When last we left our erstwhile cast, poor Tommy had just been heckin bamboozled. He’s still bamboozled, trying to piece together prior events of the evening, and it looks like his luck isn’t getting any better! Those R.A.s. They just show up at the weirdest and least convenient times, I’ll tell ya.