Time for a little ResLife terminology:

“I.R.’s” are Incident Reports. They are somewhat similar to a police report, at least in concept. When an R.A. “writes someone up” (or, to use the nicer sounding version, “documents a situation”) this is the report that they generate describing the who, what, when, and where. Then it gets sent to the R.D., who has a meeting with the student or students in question, or, if particularly egregious, gets sent up higher in the Department of Residential Life chain.

Usually the result of this process is a warning, or sometimes fines, community service, or mandatory education classes (alcohol education classes, for example.) Generally you have to either be a repeat offender or do something spectacularly stupid to warrant being kicked out of the dorms, or worse, expelled.

“Behind Closed Doors” is the day during R.A. Staff Training where the new members are taken through a residence hall and run through several simulations of common scenarios they might encounter on the job.  The whole thing is designed to train new staff how to react during a real situation. Veteran staff members populate these scenarios, which might include a room party with underage drinking, a noise violation, or other less policy-related issues like a homesick resident.  It’s all training, designed so new staff can get feedback on how they react to scenarios, and it’s not graded, so you can’t fail it.

Or at least you’re not supposed to be able to.

Lisa might be a special case.