Massive shoutout to Christopher Paulsen, author of the webcomic Precocious!  I got to meet him at SPX in DC last year, and we chatted for a bit. It was the kick in the pants I needed to finally get serious about making webcomics, and now, not quite but close to a year later, here I am!

If you read Precocious, you probably spotted the easter egg, and ought to be either recoiling in fear or getting the popcorn ready at the thought of the chaos Autumn, Tiffany, Bud, Jacob, and the rest of the gang would unleash upon an unsuspecting college dorm and it’s even more unsuspecting staff.

If you don’t read Precocious, you really should! It’s fantastic, well-written, and utterly hilarious. It’s definitely worth an archive binge.


Disclaimer: All names and characters in the “Roster O’ Apprehension” are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, college resident or not, graduated or still in school, living or dead, is purely coincidental.