Hello, all. It’s been a while.

The last update I put up here was that my tablet pen had broken, and I was waiting for a replacement. They have arrived, and I confirmed they work. I’ve had them for a couple months now.

So why no comics since March? Truth be told, I just….haven’t felt like drawing them.

My tablet failing on me interrupted my “rhythm” (frantic though it was) and that happened right around the time the pandemic shut the world down. And of course, things in the U.S. haven’t gotten better since then.

I am extremely fortunate, in that I transitioned to 100% work from home immediately. My wife, Cindy, did too, so we did not have to worry about lost income. I’m doing more-or-less OK -at least, physically. Mentally is a bit of a different story. I’m hanging in there as best I can.

I’ve doodled here and there in the intervening months. But it feels a little weird writing and drawing a comic strip set on a college campus when college campuses across the country are shut down for the foreseeable future. It also feels weird that the next story arc is titled “Party on Frat Row” at a time where parties should not be happening, either. But I miss my characters, and I do have a lot of stories to tell and share with the world.

McCall on Call will be back, eventually. I like the setting and characters I’ve created, and don’t have any intentions of abandoning them. I’m just not sure when my muse will come back.

But when it does, I’ll let y’all know.

In the meantime, wear a damn mask, and Black lives matter.
