Hey all,

I’ve been doing these a lot lately, and for that I apologize. Work in the last two weeks has gone from zero to one-sixty, so I’m coming home late and tired, hence the delays. My three-day weekend, which was intended to be spent drawing, was instead spent zoning out from a very long week of putting out various fires (metaphorical ones) at work.

So I’m going to take another break, take a breather, and try again this weekend. Since I posted a comic Tuesday, the next one will be a Thursday comic, and I will aim to have that up on Nov. 21st.

But, since I don’t want to leave y’all completely empty handed, I’ll share something with you. I have been doing some research on the side lately on fashion and trends of the ’40s and ’50s in the interest of amping up the noir aesthetic of McCall on Call, mish-mash of vintage and modern that it is.

I started showing this in “Musical Water Features” with the full-body shot of Hank (that I’m still pretty proud of), specifically his pants and shoes. So here’s some more of the work I’ve been doing. Enjoy a sketch of Marilyn, Hank’s fellow Second Floor R.A., with some work done on refining her outfit to be slightly more period, and I’ll see you next week.